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  • Writer's pictureZeynep Burcu Yenipınar

Social Media Strategy Done Right is a Requirement for Your Brand

Businesses usually believe that “posting some sort of content every day on different platforms is a “solid social media strategy”, but unfortunately the answer is a big NO!. If you want to be successful, you need to know every social platforms algorithm, ideal times to post and the types of content to post and these are just the basics of it.

If you want to build the perfect strategy for your social platform growth, let’s start with establishing your goals with social media. Once you do that, let’s move onto determining your target audience so you can create your buyer personas.

Next comes determining which social media platforms would be the best to present your brand’s product and services. After you finalize your social media presence decision, you need to do a complete audit to check what type of content works and what not in terms of attention grabbing and performance. After platform decisions, here comes the most crucial part of the strategy; ‘content building and planning’. Once you complete the content checklist and how you’re going to curate it, start researching how your competitors are handling their social media presence. It’s so important for you to know your competitors’ insights and how they’re playing the social media game so you don’t fall behind. There is no need to craft a completely different strategy, just stay as close to your competitors as you can. Lastly, all you need to do is; execute your planned out strategy and monitor the results.

Overall, regardless of the size, location and type of business, you need to have a social media strategy, a business plan and other vital plannings to thoroughly thrive.

We’re planning on detailing each one of these steps one-by-one on the upcoming days with more content.

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